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 09-17-2003, 13:07 Post: 64152

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WOW!!! That and 75 cents will get me a diet Dr. Pepper! Wink yeah right Anyhow, I'm having a great time, even help a soul or 2 out once in a while. For the life of me I cannot see how that guy Byrd over on the "other tractor board" made over 10,000 posts in about 2 years. A toast to a great group of folks here!!!

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 09-17-2003, 15:06 Post: 64163

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Keep up the good work Chief!

Is that where Byrd went?

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 09-17-2003, 15:11 Post: 64164

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Yup! the olde Besenter is now a moderator. It is true that since he moved to town and sold his Kubota 2910 he has more time to attend to that type of thing, and probably accounts for the 5k posts per year, but yet thats about 15 posts a day. Well maybe that counts moderated edits, go figure!

We all enjoyed having him when he was here.


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 09-17-2003, 16:13 Post: 64171

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I always liked Byrd.....

I never liked the 'other' board .....

If anyone gets over there say 'Hi' for me .....

Congrats Chief, I just noticed I am past that point recently myself.... congrats to me too, Laughing out loud.

I would have been there sooner if not for my forced absence last year I guess, oh well, I'm proof an old dog can learn new tricks now.

Best of luck.

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 09-17-2003, 16:46 Post: 64174

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So does this mean that I get to start a second row of combines below the row of 5 little tractors? Wink yeah right Or maybe some impliments? Laughing out loud!

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 09-17-2003, 19:47 Post: 64185

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Congrats Chief on all the post, even if some seem to come after you been sippen your diesel fuel. Laughing out loud

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 09-17-2003, 19:56 Post: 64188

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Chief the next five are shovels, then FELs, articulated loaders, and then drag lines beyond that. You need to be able to keep up with the volume!!!
It seems Lawman 350 is dealing with the same problem. I guess I am working on the fifth FEL.

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 09-17-2003, 20:24 Post: 64189

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Plots1, it is the Capt. Morgan's rum and John Deere diesel fuel conditioner that do it to me. Wink yeah right

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 09-17-2003, 20:41 Post: 64191
Art White

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I'll give up the 75cents for the coffee! Time for a toast! Byrds life has changed a bit but he is still on the computer.

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 09-17-2003, 22:38 Post: 64203

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